The Open Forum Board of Director nominees, Bob Warren, Carol Laechelt and Jon Gilbert, are extremely gratified by the strong response they have received from Waikiki Shore owners and by the number of proxies they have already received. As a result, we will have sufficient owner representation to ensure a quorum is present for the March AOAO Annual Meeting. Many owners, who have been contacted, have expressed their appreciation for the chance to finally have a say in who represents them on the Board. We want to thank them for their outpouring of support and ask owners who might be undecided to join us in building a better and stronger future for Waikiki Shore.
Recently, Hawaiian Properties, Ltd. sent to owners the legally mandated AOAO Annual Meeting notice including a Hawaiian Properties, Ltd. proxy, Board nominee statements and related meeting materials. Owners should not complete Hawaiian Properties, Ltd. proxy if they truly want a change in the Board’s membership. There are simply no quorum concerns. If you have not yet signed a proxy for the Open Forum Board nominees, Bob Warren, Carol Laechelt and Jon Gilbert, or if you would like to change your proxy to support our nominees, please contact us at or call us at 808.927.0506. You may also click on the link at the end of this newsletter for a new proxy form and return it as indicated.
Regrettably, we understand that a number of owners are being unduly pressured by the board president to sign his proxy. We are surprised and troubled that our board president, who is not up for re-election until 2019, would feel so threatened by having a board with three new members who have not been hand-picked by him and would bring with them a valuable set of career skills.
Owners are encouraged to resist any improper pressure and recognize that this is just another reason why we need new board members to help bring objectivity, transparency and independent thinking to our board. Please keep in mind that the vote you cast is by secret ballot.
Rich Anderson, Unit PH-9